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Change Name Wrapper Permissions
Change Name Wrapper Permissions
Updated over a week ago

Revoking permissions is a one-way transaction that cannot be reversed (until the expiry is reached). Before changing any permissions on your name, please review these Name Wrapper sections to learn more:

Permissions Tab​

Once your name is wrapped in the Name Wrapper, you will have access to the Permissions tab in the ENS Manager App:

Note that you can only change permissions on a name if it has been Emancipated by the parent.

Otherwise, you will see a warning like this:

"Emancipation" means that the parent owner can no longer control the name. All .eth 2LDs (like myname.eth) are automatically emancipated when they are first wrapped.

Changing Permissions​

Click the Change Permissions button. A dialog will pop up to warn you about the changes you are about to make:

If you agree, then click I understand to proceed.

As explained in the Fuses section, in order to burn owner-controlled fuses on a name, you must Lock that name first. This means that you will no longer be able to unwrap the name.

Click the "Revoke permission" button to select it, and then click Next to move to the next step:

You will now be able to select other permissions to revoke as you see fit.

For example, if you want to make the wrapped NFT non-transferrable, then you can revoke the "Send this name" permission.

If you only want to Lock the name, then you can click Skip. Otherwise, select the permissions you want to revoke, and click Revoke to move to the next step:

The dialog will show you the selections you made earlier. Click on Open Wallet to send the transaction to your wallet to approve.

Once the transaction is confirmed, click on Done:

The Permissions tab for your name will be updated to show which permissions you have revoked.

You can click on Change permissions to burn additional fuses on your name.

Or, if you want to completely "lock" the name so that no additional fuses can be burned, then click on Revoke permission in the top section.

That will revoke the "permission to revoke permissions" itself, so that the permissions on your name can no longer be changed at all.

Changing Subname Permissions as the Parent Owner​

If you have not yet Emancipated a subname, then as the owner of the parent, you will be able to delete the subname at any time:

Also, if your parent name is Locked (meaning that you cannot unwrap it), you will now be able to change permissions on any subnames underneath your name:

For example, if you want the owner of the subname to be able to extend their own expiry, then you can click on Change permissions and burn that fuse.

To Emancipate a subname, click on Give up parent control in the top section. A dialog will pop up to warn you about the changes you are about to make:

If you agree, then click I understand to proceed.

Click the "Give up ownership" button to select it, and then click Next to move to the next step:

As explained in the Expiry section, when you burn fuses on a name, you must also set an expiry for it at the same time.

The maximum expiry you can set on a name is the expiry of the parent name. You can select Max to do this. Otherwise, you can select Choose an earlier date to set a different expiry.

Once you've made your choice, click Next to move to the next step:

In this step, select which other permissions you want to change on the subname, if any. Note that once you give up control over this subname, you will no longer be able to change any permissions.

Some of the permissions are greyed-out in the dialog by default. That's because if you want to revoke them, you must also Lock the subname at the same time. If you wish to do that, then click on "Revoke permission to: Unwrap this name", and then select any other permissions you want to change.

If you only want to Emancipate the name, then you can click Skip. Otherwise, select the permissions you want to revoke, and click Revoke to move to the next step:

The dialog will show you the selections you made earlier. Click on Open Wallet to send the transaction to your wallet to approve.

Once the transaction is confirmed, click on Done:

The Permissions tab for the subname will be updated to show which permissions you have revoked.

For example in this case, the subname was Emancipated and Locked, meaning:

  • The parent owner can no longer control the subname

  • The subname can no longer be unwrapped

The Extend Expiry permission was also granted, meaning:

  • The owner of the subname can now extend their own Expiry

Finally, the Create Subnames permission was also revoked, meaning:

  • The owner of the subname cannot create further subnames underneath their name (like

On the Profile tab for the subname, you'll also see that you no longer have the ability to delete the subname:

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