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How to use your .eth name in Farcaster
How to use your .eth name in Farcaster
Updated over a month ago

Farcaster Usernames

A Farcaster account needs a username so it can be found and mentioned by other users. Farcaster uses the Ethereum Name Service to manage usernames.

ENS usernames are owned by Ethereum addresses, just like Farcaster accounts. The difference is that an address can own multiple ENS names, so the Farcaster account must specify the name it wishes to use. Names must be less than 17 characters with only lowercase alphabets, numbers or hyphens to prevent homoglyph attacks.

Two kinds of ENS names are supported:

  • Offchain ENS Names: free and controlled by farcaster. (e.g. @alice)

  • Onchain ENS Names: costs money and controlled by your wallet. (e.g. @alice.eth)

Find more information in the Farcaster docs: Usernames, and ENS Names

Prerequisite to using your ENS name:

ENS Name has an ETH Address Record

For an ENS name to work as a receiving address it must have an ETH Address record. To update this, follow the guide How to Edit Roles

Farcaster Verified Address is the same as the ETH Address Record

Farcaster supports proof of ownership of an Ethereum account to your profile. You can use any .eth name that resolves to a connected address on your farcaster account. This means that ETH address record and your Farcaster connected address will be the same.


Step by Step guide to adding your .eth name in Farcaster

Step 1 - Go to your profile page on Farcaster and select "Edit Profile"

Step 2 - Tap on your Username

Step 3 - Select "Add ENS name"

Step 4 - Type in any .eth name you own and click add

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