What is the Primary name?
The Primary name is your reverse record responsible for resolving your wallet address to your ENS name, effectively helping DApps and other services display your ENS name based on your Ethereum wallet address.
The easiest way to understand it is to consider that name resolution works in two directions:
Forward resolution
Forward resolution is simply where your name points to and is determined by the ETH Address record set on your ENS name.
Reverse resolutionβ
Reverse resolution is where your wallet points to and is determined by the Primary name record set in your wallet.
See your Primary Name
On ENS Manager App
The ENS Manager App will show your Primary name and the Avatar set on it in the top-right corner, along with your wallet address. It will also show under your name with the badge "Your Primary Name".
You can also search an Ethereum address to see the Primary Name.
On Uniswap
Uniswap will show your Primary name and its Avatar in the top-right corner as well!
On OpenSea
OpenSea shows your Primary name on your user's page next to your wallet address.
Note: OpenSea's systems are very slow to update to reflect any changes, please allow at least 24 hours for the Primary name to show.
On Etherscan
Etherscan will show your Primary name in the to and from address sections in the transaction list:
Note: Etherscan currently does not support DNS names set as Primary Names.
And also on top of the wallet overview: